Down time Monday june 12, 2023 - God's Love

Down Time - from: Hearts + Minds Ministries

 Monday June 12, 2023

God's Love

Roman's 12:9-10 - Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good. Love one another with brotherly love. Out do one another in showing honor. 

See yourself as God sees you. 

Walk more powerfully in the Spirit. 

Genuine love sets you apart. 

1 Corinthians 13:13 - Greats of these is love. 

Matthew 22:40 - Love your neighbor as yourself. 

You were created to give and receive love. 

God has chosen to show love through you life. You are the love of God that someone needs today. God be love. Show love to someone because God loves you. 

1. Spend time receiving God's love. 

2. Ask God to mold you and shape you into what he wants you to be. 

Allow God to change your heart. 

3. Who around you today needs your love? 

John 13:34 - A new command that I give to you that you love one another. Just as I have loved you you are also to love one another. 

Accept God's love. 

Allow God's love to fill you up each and every day. 


So that you can pour out God's love into other's lives. You were called to love well. 

What are ways you can love better this week? 

How can you allow God to love you better? 

What will you change so that you will show God's love to others? 

Apply this to your life this week. Love others like Jesus loves you. 

Pray - 

Jesus I pray that as we live our lives we will take opportunities to show the love of God to those around us. I pray that we will love those that no one else loves. I pray that we will love those we do love better. I pray that this week we will take an action of love as we go through out our day. 


Email me with your questions or comments about this weeks lesson.


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