Lust is never satisfied

You are invited to the Jesus party 

Lust - divorce - falsely swearing 

Do not commit adultery-  Verse 27 

Divorce requires a certificate - Verse 31

Do not swear falsely - verse 33 

Lust is seeing a woman for your own gratification and no as a child of God 

What do you struggle with? 
Is it looking? 
Is it staring? 
Is it using them for your own personal gratification. 
Don’t cross the line.

James 1:14-15

14 but each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed.
15 Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.

Is there any sin in being lured - no 
Enticed? - maybe but no 
Bite it - 100 percent yes 

Death means separation. 


Jesus standards are not possible to follow regarding marriage and divorce 

Marriage is gods best 

Be careful if you are disgusted by someone else’s sexual sin - cheating or divorce 

Look at the cross. Can’t do it without Jesus 

Divorce is the easy way out

Swear falsely 

Don’t swear on anything 
Don’t make promises 

Kingdom living rejects: 
Objectifying women 
Trivializing marriage 
Declaring by oaths 

Take radical steps to stop this 

Hell - Eternal separation from God 

Take radical steps
If you think that’s impossible - you are right 


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