
Showing posts from July, 2023

How is your foundation?

Saluki downtime - How is your foundation? Matthew 7:24-29 As an athlete what does it mean to have a strong foundation? As I thought about it I came up with four things: 1. Athletic Position 2. Building your core 3. Strength and flexibility. 4. Heart and Mind The Jordan River is a river that has wide banks and stays low most of the time. The Palestines would build their houses near the river and even on the river banks. It was hard when the river was low. It was a sand like substance that would harden almost like concrete. Some would begin building and would build on the sand. Their foundation would seem to be on this hard surface and they would build their home with little to no issues. Other would dig down deep and find the bed rock. They would go through this hard concrete like sand. It would take them much longer to build their home than the others. When they both got done they look identical from the ground up. The used the same material. Their walls were the same. The roof was the

Saluki DownTime July 24, 2023

 Saluki Down Time - July 24, 2023 Do you KNOW God?  “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” Psalm 46:10 Sit down and think about knowing God. Yesterday I was telling a friend of mine that another friend of mine knows Jesus. She immediately responded, due to the actions of the other friend, "you can know God and still be lost." Do you know God or do you know God's heart? God wants you to know who he is. He wants you to know how he will respond. His character. His love.  How do you build a relationship with someone else?  1. Spend time with them.  2. Listen well to them.  3. Communicate with them.  You don't have to live not knowing whether God is going to care for you, provide for you, or love you.  “I have made you known to them, and will continue to make you known in order that the love you have for me may be in them and that I myself may be in them.”   - John 17:26 Jesus has made a way for us to get re

DownTime July 17, 2023

 DownTime July 17, 2023 Wait for the Lord.  God gives you strength  to sustain you and achieve victory over your enemies.  Isaiah 40:31   contains a great promise of strength for the weary : “they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.” Waiting takes practice.  Waiting takes time.  Waits is Godly When we wait on God, we are able to do things in his timing. We are able to understand better. We are able to be protected through it.  When you rush your life you are changing God's timing. It may not all be where it needs to be because God is not ready for you. God also knows you are not ready yet either. This is why God's timing is perfect.  Where do you struggle in running ahead of God?  Where do you lack patience in your life?  What is an example of when you ran faster than God wanted you to?  What is an example of when you ran with God's timing?  When we get

Downttime July 10, 2023

 DownTime July 10, 2023 "What is your Mystery" God wants what is best for us. God wants us to surrender anything that isn't best for us - FOR US!  God is clear about wanting to work with us.  God is clear about wanting to work for us.  God is clear that you have to meet him for this "us" to work.  In Him we have:      1. forgiveness 2. forgiveness 3. Hope Jesus' death is how we have these things. Jesus was God's plan for us to be able to live out this plan in our life. There is no other way that it is possible.  The Bible is clear that God desires for his people to continually know his will.  1 Thessalonians 5:17 says Pray continually. Why? So that we can know God's will.  Romans 12:2 -  Do not conform  to the pattern of this world,  but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is —his good, pleasing  and perfect will. How can you seek God's will in your life?  What do you need to su

Downtime - July 3, 2023

 Downtime - July 3, 2023 Psalm 22:4-5 "In you our fathers trusted: they trusted, and you delivered them. To you they cried and were rescued; in you they trusted and were not put to shame. "  What does trust mean to you?  Trust means something different to everyone. Trust could mean answering your phone when they call. It could mean showing up when you supposed to be someone-where. Trust could mean that you are the provider. Trust could mean that you don't tell other people when asked not to.  How do you define trust?  We value trust. Trust is something we hang on to and usually are not willing to give away. When it is broken we hang on even tighter. Trust is often associated with peace, joy, and love.  Trust in the world is not the same as Trust in God.  Now think about being trustworthy. Are you someone who can be trusted?  Trust is a commodity of the heart.  Jeremiah 17:7 - "Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose trust is the Lord.  What does trust provid