How is your foundation?

Saluki downtime - How is your foundation?

Matthew 7:24-29

As an athlete what does it mean to have a strong foundation?

As I thought about it I came up with four things:

1. Athletic Position
2. Building your core
3. Strength and flexibility.
4. Heart and Mind

The Jordan River is a river that has wide banks and stays low most of the time. The Palestines would build their houses near the river and even on the river banks. It was hard when the river was low. It was a sand like substance that would harden almost like concrete.

Some would begin building and would build on the sand. Their foundation would seem to be on this hard surface and they would build their home with little to no issues.
Other would dig down deep and find the bed rock. They would go through this hard concrete like sand. It would take them much longer to build their home than the others.
When they both got done they look identical from the ground up. The used the same material. Their walls were the same. The roof was the same. Everything looked the same.
When the rains came, when the floods came, when the stream came, and when the wind came the houses that were built on a bad foundation were swept away quickly. The houses that were built on the bed rock were able to withstand the storm.

This is the same in our world as Christians. You can go through the motions and just barely scrape the surface in your life.

Pray when convenient.
Attend church when convenient.
Serve when convenient.
Read your bible when convenient.

These things do not lead to a strong foundation.

What does it take to get a strong foundation as an athlete?

To a good foundation: he searches diligently into the Scripture of truth; he constantly attends the ministry of the word; he inquires of Gospel preachers.

Nearly every aspect of the house of the wise man and the house of the foolish man is identical. Their houses are the same, the rains that fall on them are the same, the floods that rise against them are the same, the winds that blow against them are the same. There are only two differences—their foundations and their endurance.

It is not the structure that is wrong, but the foundation, that is wrong. God made you just like everyone else.

God made you in the image of Himself.
He knit you in your mothers womb.
He knows how many hairs are on each ones head.

So what is the difference?

All is well at first. The house on the sand looks as fair and solid as that on the rock. It even may look better because they had more time working on the looks than that of a the one on a the rock.

The people were astonished at his doctrine; it being something new, and unheard of, what they had not been used to; and coming in the demonstration of the Spirit, and of power, it carried its own evidence along with it, wrought conviction in their minds, and obliged them to acknowledge the truth of it.

Who are you listening to?

Does it have the authority of Jesus?

It is possible for people to admire good preaching and yet to remain in ignorance and unbelief; to be astonished, and yet not sanctified.

As an athlete you have to put in the time. You have to lift weights to get stronger. You spend time strengthening you core. You stretch to gain control over your strength and flexibility. You seek peace to protect your heart and mind.

God has call us to do the same. Spend time working on your relationship with God.

Don't focus on making it look good on the outside.

Focus on making it strong and on the right foundation.

Listen to the right authority.


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