Saluki downTime 9/11/23

Saluki downTime - September 11, 2023

The right Enthusiasm

I think we have to enjoy what we do if we are going to succeed

I am enthusiastic where I am willing.

How is your heart?

An enthusiastic leader will keep those undert his or her charge fom achieving their collective best

1. Are you leading with enthusiasm?
2. How do you handle situations where your leader isn't?

Romans 12:11 - Never be lazy in your work, but serve the lord enthusiastically.

Think about where you are in your career? How are you handling it? Are you in it fully? Are you excited to be where you are? Share time.

Story of Apollos is something to think about. Acts 18.

At the beginning Apollos was going around an sharing stories of Jesus but didn't know the whole story. He was enthusiastic but the wrong way.

He went to Ephesus and this is where a Godly couple Priscilla and Aquila. He was told the whole story of Jesus and believe it to be truth. Now he was able to spread the Gospel and the whole story with enthusiasm.

Biblical enthusiasm means to
1. boil in the spirit
2. commit with your whole heart
3. be zealous
4. be passionate

We have to figure out how to be excited about where we are both in the real life and in our life where God has us.

Out of everything you do what do you enjoy least? Can be simple or complex task.

Out of everything you do what do you enjoy most? Can be simple or complex.

How can you have the same enthusiasm for what you enjoy least as your do with what you enjoy most?

Be where your feet are.

What is the purpose for where God has you?

The right enthusiasm.

Apollos has it wrong. It wasn't until someone sat down with him and set him on the right path.

What is your next step regarding enthusiasm.


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