Saluki downTime October 16, 2023

Saluki downTime October 16, 2023


Be observing constantly. Stay open minded. Be eager to learn and improve

Ok let's get honest about our driving.

1. Who will admit they are a bad driver?

2. Who will admit that someone in this room is a bad driver?

Why are you or they a bad driver?

Alertness - How can we stay alert?

Observing what is doing on around us.

Who knows much about horses? Why do they put those blinders on horses?

Distractions around us keep us from being alert.

Abraham Lincoln said that he had never met a person that he didn't learn something from.

He was always observing. That is how we learn. Being alert regarding our surroundings is how we learn.

Who likes haunted houses. Does anyone in here not get scared at haunted houses? Why?

 By being alert. What is happening. What already happened and why is going to happen. Being alert keeps you from being scared. When you let your guard down is when you a sense of reality.

Think about all the things you have missed because you weren't alert.

Some people are why people. Most why people are also alert people.

Learning from others, taking the blinders off, and being aware of your surroundings are all ways to grow in life. It takes being alert

Are you honest with yourself with where you stand on these?

We cannot say to ourself its my way. Or do you. Or create our own truth. We have to have set standard.

That would be playing God. There is an absolute truth and absolute sin. We can find that in the bible.

So let's not sleepwalk through life like those others.

 Let's keep our eyes open and be smart. 

1 Thessalonians 5:6

Who has been in a sin cycle? - A period of time where you just couldn't not do something. Gave into temptation over and over and felt like you couldn't stop.

The Israelites weren't always alert. There was a time when they closed their minds to God and rode into a cycle.

Someone in a sin cycle endures the consequences of the sin, repents of the sin, enjoys life for a while, forgets about God, sins again, endures, repents, enjoys, forgets, sins some more, and again and again. Same cycle.

God called upon Gideon when the Isrealites chose not to be alert.

Gideon story includes

-tearing down of an idol

-two test involving a fleece

-selection of an army

-a battle

Gideon was asked to get some men to go into this battle. Gideon chose 32,000 men. god decided that was too many because they wouldn't need God.

Gideon told anyone who was scared to GO HOME.

10,000 were left.

God told Gideon to take the men to the river and watch them drink. Anyone who just drank straight from water like dogs without looking around were asked to go home.

God chose men who remained alert at all times.

How many men were left of the 10,000 you think? 3 percent! 300

Keep a cool head - Stay alert. The Devil is poised to pounce, and would like nothing better than to catch you napping.

 - 1 peter 5:8 the message

Satan is the father of lies. - You have to be alert.

Sin also keeps us from being alert to God's voice.

When we pray and don't hear from God. It could be two things.

1. We aren't alert

2. Sin is clouding our hearing.

If you have been in a sin cycle the first step is to stop and repent and ask Jesus for foregiveness. Then be alert. Stay alert. Remain watchful and filter everything through Jesus and his Holy Word.

Are you riding a sin cycle?

What sins do you need to repent of?

When was the last time you were aware of God's direction in your life.

Being alert is key. Knowing what door is open and what door is closed. Then knowing what door you have to open and what door you have to close. Or sometimes you have to run as hard as you can and shoulder the door down. Or slam the door shut.

Knowing God and knowing his plan for your life starts with being ALERT.

Pray continually is a verse that I think of when I think of being alert.

- 1 thessalonians 5:17


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