Saluki downtime October 23, 2023

Saluki downtime October 23, 2023

If you had to fight one, which would you?

Hippo or a polar bear

Initiative - cultivate the ability to make decisions and think along.

Why people don't take initiative.

1. fear

2. other people

3. not my job

When you do you have an Opportunity to serve take the initiative. 

Initiative is having the courage to make decisions and take action.

People who take initiative act with self control.

Do Without fear of failure.

We will never be a success or reach our full potential if we allow fear of failure to creep in.

Learn from failure.

When I look back, it seems to me, 

all the grief that had to be,

 left me when the pain was over, 

stronger than I was before.

The team that makes the most mistakes will probably outscore the other one.

Doers make mistakes.

We must not fail to act when action is needed.

Learn from other people's mistakes - don't be conservative.

Mistakes made while expanding boundaries are what I wanted in practice says John Wooden.

He harnessed fear.

He prayed more fervently and he was in such agony 

of spirit that his sweat fell to the ground like great drops of blood -

 Luke 22:44

Fear, anxiousness, nervous, or other intense feelings - How we handle these emotions usually defines whether we become a hero or a coward.

Fear, Angst, and apprehension can even make a person sweat blood. Jesus knew this.

How did Jesus prepare for the suffering? He fortified himself with prayer.

He went on a little farther and fell face down on the ground, praying, "My Father! If it is possible, let this cup of suffering be taken away from me. 

Yet I want your will not mine."

Matthew 26:39 

In the flesh, Jesus didn't want to go through the suffering; but in his heart he wanted to do the father's will more than his own.

Questions for Answers: 

When was the last time that you attempted something new and it didn't work out?

How did failure affect you?

Describe an event in your life when fear was present, but you did what you needed to do anyway.


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