Saluki downTime November 27, 2023

Saluki downTime Nov 27, 2023

Turkey or Ham - What's the worst Thanksgiving food?

Skill - how would you define skill

A knowledge of and the ability to properly and quickly execute the fundamentals. Be prepared and cover every little detail.

What is your skill? Weird question but what is it for you?

Skill is more than knowledge and execution. A skillful person usually has a sense of timing, and the ability to quickly perform the skill.

Know the fundamentals and be able to execute the skill.

But a quick player with some basketball skills will make a bigger contribution than one who has immense skill. In basketball big and slow is not as good as big but quick.

We can affect our brain power and our physical potential through education, training, and practice. God only made one Lewis Alcindor (Kareem Abul-Jabbar), one Mel Gibson, and one Billy Graham.

The rest of us didn't receive as much potential as the highest achievers, but each of us can still become successful. we might not become as significant as we aspire to be , but we can become the best we are capable of becoming.

Do you see any truly competent workers? they will serve kings rather than ordinary people. 

Proverbs 22:29

What have you done to be skillful?

Becoming skillful takes time and hard work.

Being mediocre is easy. Being average is easy. Meeting your parents standard or maybe even your coaches standard can be easily achievable.

Our potential for excellence lies in our undeveloped areas of skill. - our god given Hard wiring.

God gives us the potential to be skillful. It is our job to discover our potential and to develop our talent.

What is your contribution? What has God called you to do? Does it have to be big?

Significant contribution to God's kingdom is applying your skill and gifts to this earth.

Both skills and gifts must be discovered and then developed.

What would you want to be if money wasn't an issue.

Most people want to be something other than what God has built into them. We usually aspire to accomplish something that is important in the eyes of the world?

Our parents encourage us to climb the world's ladder of success.

Who has a parent like this? If you want to admit it.

Who thinks that God wants them to be a custodian? A secretary? Or a garbage man?

The bible clearly states that those who serve others will be rewarded in heaven.

Now, how many of you think that God calls people to all jobs and all levels of income?

It seems that we can set our sights as high as we want, but whatever skills we have and whatever endeavor we end up pursuing, it's best to live with the attitude of a servant.

Note Card -

1. Apart from sleeping, list the top five activities in which you spend the most time. Be Honest.

2. Pick one of these statements that is true for you.

a. People drain me, people energize me or I prefer small groups.

b. I communicate best with spoken words - written words - or artistic expression.

c. I like working with things or ideas

d. I am most skilled: working with my hands, solving problems, selling, or teaching.

3. Measure the time spent in your top five time consuming activities against the choices above.

Are you spending most of your time doing what seems to come naturally?

I commit myself to developing and using the talents and gifts God has given me.


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