
Showing posts from January, 2024

Love - Scared and Out of My Comfort Zone

Love - Scared and Out of My Comfort Zone Love is something that we mess up all the time. It is not a real word to most people. Let's look at how we get it wrong. We love our pets like we love pasta. We love a movie like we love watching a sport. We love our kids like we love our spouse. How do you love your parents or your siblings? Love is not fake. Love should be real in your life. When was the last time you told an acquaintance you loved them. Why haven't you? Are you scared to love? I believe we are scared to truly love because we have gotten it wrong for so long. 1 Corinthians 13:4–8a (ESV) Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. I had an opportunity to speak to a Head coach. I walked with her back to her locker room after a game. My goal was to thank her for allowing Jesus into her program and allow
Positivology January 20, 2023 Let's think for a minute. In a 24 hour day how many minutes are negative. First how many minutes are there in a day? 1440 minutes in a day. Wow! Thats a lot of minutes to think about. You sleep for around 420 minutes a night. So good! How many of those minutes are negative? For me, I don't sleep well or that much. I would day at least 60 of those minutes a night are negative. I wake up. Toss and turn. Sometimes I even get up to use the bathroom or who knows what else happens when I am technically asleep. Wait??? Are you telling me that even some minutes while I am sleeping are negative? - YES!!!! Ok Let's move on. waking up - negative thoughts and even words to yourself. Hit the snooze - negative. Wake up - negative. I mean not for everyone but in general we think negative thoughts about getting up. Then we have to decide if we will like going to work today or not. We have to think about if we like what the day has in store for us. Most of us
Saluki downTime January 22, 2023 Poise  If you had 1 million dollars but could only spend it on things that start with first letter of your last name. What would you buy? 3 things.  Poise - graceful and elegant bearing in a person. - balance; equilibrium . : BALANCE especially : to hold or carry in equilibrium carried a water jar poised on her head : to hold supported or suspended without motion in a steady position : to hold or carry (the head) in a particular way : to put into readiness : BRACE : to become drawn up into readiness Just being yourself. Being at east in any situation. Never fighting yourself.  Whatever you are doing to do - do it fast.  Natural outgrowth of having the other blocks in their proper place. We don’t have either if we don’t have the others  - Poise.  Just being you. Does this make sense to you?  When we have poise, we’re not acting, faking, or pretending. We are not trying to live up to others expectations. What have you faked?  Something simple?  Somethi