saluki downTime August 12, 2024

Saluki downTime - August 12, 2024

Power to change session 2

Trying versus training

What do you try to do? 

Married couples try to stay married

High school seniors say they will try to stay at their high school weight

Most people say they will try to manage their debt

So how do you win?

Stop trying and start training.

Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training.

1 corinthians 9:25

I discipline my body like an athlete, training it to do what it should. Otherwise, I fear that after preaching to others I myself might be disqualified. 1 corinthians 9:27

Train yourself to be godly - 1 timothy 4:7

Train in Greek means to exercise naked. Why would you do this?

How does this relate to your life?

The Greek athletes didn't want anything to get in their way while training.

Trying never achieves consistent results.

system of failure.

you try - you get tired of trying - you quit - you feel embarrassed - you regroup - you try - you get tired of trying - and repeat.

trying doesn't work - training does.

do not try - there is no try.

Do you want to change to get where you want to go?

stop trying and start training? or for some of you, take the little things seriously.

training is doing today what you can do today so that you can do tomorrow what you can't do today.

you have been trying for too long. trying leads to quitting so quit trying.

What are some ways you've tried but failed?

How can you train yourself instead of trying?

Example:   reading your bible? set your alarm, put your bible out, and open your bible all before you go to bed. That's training.

Discipline is not a dirty word.

discipline is choosing what you want most over what you want now.

that “now” desire is seductive because it promises instant gratification.

that most desire rarely provides instant gratification. It takes time and offers you the life that you want.





discipline is what you want most, not what you want now. It is easier to choose what you want now but you live the life you want by choosing what you want most.

Saying no to temptation feels painful. but if you say yes you go through the pain of guilt. saying no feels painful at the time but the pain of guilt feels worse for longer.

You get to choose - The pain of discipline or the pain of regret.

Desire alone won't get you what you want most but discipline will. Don't avoid the pain of discipline.

Your desires don't determine who you become. Your discipline does.

3 areas where you feel lack of discipline.

3 areas where you feel most disciplined.

sometimes we want to change our results so we make goals of what we want to change

Weight, finances, etc. 

Instead, think about changing your actions to get where you want to go.

Why do we fail? Because we try. So how do we win?

Change your habits.

What is a habit?

a settled or regular tendency or practice, especially one that is hard to give up.

Have any of you stayed dating someone out of habit? You just got used to it? Your brain said text her. or go to his house after practice? Your habit kept you in the relationship? Anyone?

Now you need to make the next right choice.

We don't want to focus on outcomes. Just make the next right choice. 52 challenge.

If you make doing the habit your win, you can win every day.

Private discipline paves the way to public success. You don't have to tell anyone.

You get results by focusing on the actions that get results.

Consistency does not require perfection.

Go from goal to habit. goal - get closer to God. Habit - read the bible every day or commit to a bible study or church weekly.

Habit to stop - sleeping in on Sunday. or hitting snooze every morning.

Think to yourself - "I'm in training."

Focus on who before “do”.

define your wins

train not try.

focus on inputs, not outcomes.

Think to yourself - I'm successful when I train today.


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