
Showing posts from September, 2023

Saluki downTime September 25, 2023

Saluki downTime September 25, 2023 What are you watching right now? Cooperation Define Cooperation -  The meaning of COOPERATION is the actions of someone who is being helpful by doing what is wanted or asked for : common effort . Listen if you want to be heard is also cooperation.  What is your style of Cooperation?  You want to be the Boss or you are a follower? Leader or doer?  Gentleness is a better method of getting cooperation than harshness John Wooden Teams was once described as:  UCLA was a fine little team. But Duke was a fine big team. But a European coach observed that UCLA will win because they are a team. That was true and they did win. You need people in your life. The abilities of the players served the team, as opposed to the players being used to serve an individual. That's cooperation. Ecclesiastes 4:9 Two people can accomplish more than twice as much as one. they get a better return for their labor.  How much can 1 ox carry? - 2 oxen? •A yoke is a wooden frame b

Saluki downTime September 18, 2023

Downtime September 18, 2023 Favorite wings flavor and place The Right Friends 240 push ups - power of friendship - 2 of you to do 120 each - 10 of you to do 24 each Which way is easier?  Define the word friend Write on a card: 1. Who has your back? 2. Whose back do you have? 3. Who do you need to turn your back to? 4. Who do you need to back up to? Reckless love lyrics - what Jesus does for you as your friend. There's no shadow You won't light up - Mountain You won't climb up Coming after me There's no wall You won't kick down - Lie You won't tear down Coming after me Show me your friends and I’ll show you your future is a saying our pastor told us.  Limiting people’s access can be self care. We all get to make our own choices of who we want in our life. Especially when it comes to our friends. We all have people right now that we ask - why are they my friend? or why do I allow them to be a part of my life. Friendship is doing for others while they are doing for

Saluki downTime 9/11/23

Saluki downTime - September 11, 2023 The right Enthusiasm I think we have to enjoy what we do if we are going to succeed I am enthusiastic where I am willing. How is your heart? An enthusiastic leader will keep those undert his or her charge fom achieving their collective best 1. Are you leading with enthusiasm? 2. How do you handle situations where your leader isn't? Romans 12:11 - Never be lazy in your work, but serve the lord enthusiastically. Think about where you are in your career? How are you handling it? Are you in it fully? Are you excited to be where you are? Share time. Story of Apollos is something to think about. Acts 18. At the beginning Apollos was going around an sharing stories of Jesus but didn't know the whole story. He was enthusiastic but the wrong way. He went to Ephesus and this is where a Godly couple Priscilla and Aquila. He was told the whole story of Jesus and believe it to be truth. Now he was able to spread the Gospel and the whole story with enthus
Saluki DownTime September 4, 2023 Hard Work Favorite Soda Hard Work has two components. Work and Planning Are there any substitutes for HARD WORK? Shortcuts?  What are some examples of jobs where you work really hard? Who is someone that you think of when you think of hard work? Coach wooden says that he did 1. a lot of research. 2. talked with other coaches 3. read books 4. examined every angle What are some other detailed words you think of when it comes to hard work? Do words Action  The only competition I have is with myself. If I do not do so, I will not succeed. Do you really give it all in all you do? Be honest - share. Proverbs 21:5 - Good planning and hard work lead to prosperity, but hasty shortcuts lead to poverty. This is in all areas of life. This does not mean if you work hard you will be rich and if you don't you will be poor. It is your job to find a way to put out maximum effort. Most people slack off when they think their lack of effort will go unnoticed. Coach A