
Showing posts from October, 2023

Saluki downTime October 30, 2023

Saluki downTime October 30, 2023 Intentness Set a realistic goal. Concentrate on its achievement by resisting all temptations and being determined and persistent . Intentness is the ability to resist temptations and to avoid rabbit trails of distractions. What do you want to accomplish? Who do you want to be? How good do you want to be? How successful do you want to be? Intentness is the quality that won't allow us to quit, even when our goal is going to take awhile to accomplish. Who has a story of a goal that took forever to accomplish or you are in the middle of the long journey waiting to get there? We as humans want immediate gratification. Fast Food - Cell phones - Social Media. What else do we have that gives us immediate gratification? People are impatient - Intentness is patience with action. Setting Goals or Goals versus dreams. When goals are set unrealistically high, it soon becomes apparent that they are not going to be met. Without being intentional we sometimes want

Saluki downtime October 23, 2023

Saluki downtime October 23, 2023 If you had to fight one, which would you? Hippo or a polar bear Initiative - cultivate the ability to make decisions and think along. Why people don't take initiative. 1. fear 2. other people 3. not my job When you do you have an Opportunity to serve take the initiative.  Initiative is having the courage to make decisions and take action. People who take initiative act with self control. Do Without fear of failure. We will never be a success or reach our full potential if we allow fear of failure to creep in. Learn from failure. When I look back, it seems to me,  all the grief that had to be,  left me when the pain was over,  stronger than I was before. The team that makes the most mistakes will probably outscore the other one. Doers make mistakes. We must not fail to act when action is needed. Learn from other people's mistakes - don't be conservative. Mistakes made while expanding boundaries are what I wanted in practice says John Wooden.

Saluki downTime October 16, 2023

Saluki downTime October 16, 2023 Alertness Be observing constantly. Stay open minded. Be eager to learn and improve Ok let's get honest about our driving. 1. Who will admit they are a bad driver? 2. Who will admit that someone in this room is a bad driver? Why are you or they a bad driver? Alertness - How can we stay alert? Observing what is doing on around us. Who knows much about horses? Why do they put those blinders on horses? Distractions around us keep us from being alert. Abraham Lincoln said that he had never met a person that he didn't learn something from. He was always observing. That is how we learn. Being alert regarding our surroundings is how we learn. Who likes haunted houses. Does anyone in here not get scared at haunted houses? Why?  By being alert. What is happening. What already happened and why is going to happen. Being alert keeps you from being scared. When you let your guard down is when you a sense of reality. Think about all the things you have missed
Saluki downTime - October 9, 2023 Self Control - Practice self discipline and keep emotions under control. Good judgment and common sense are essential. If you had to get rid of 1 of these three things what would it be? Phone - Internet - Drivers License Self - Control - What is the definition? Self-Control is the ability to discipline ourselves and keep our emotions and actions under control. To become our best we have to have good judgment and common sense. When our emotions dominate our actions we make mistakes. What is a time you have let your emotions dominate your actions? Hitting a golf ball - any golfers in here? When you hit a golf ball with emotion you will hit it to the right and to the left. It may go far or it may not hit it at all. Have you ever seen Happy Gilmore? Why was he playing? He had to control his emotions to actually win the money. Lack of self control hinders individual achievement. How has lack of self control affected your goals? Lack of self control inhibits

Saluki downTime October 2, 2023

Saluki downTime -  October 2, 2023 Loyalty What is your favorite Ice Cream Loyalty definition - To yourself and to all those depending upon you. Keep your self respect. Who can determine your loyalty? Words to describe loyalty. - devotion, duty, faithfulness, commitment. What can you be loyal to? Loyalty is the foundational quality that gets us through hard times. Will you compromise your loyalty when temptation is great? Or will we remain loyal to our beliefs and core values? No individual or team will become great without loyalty. Loyalty is the force that forges individuals into a team. It's the component that moves teams toward greater achievements. There is something wrong when your loyalty is always available to the highest bidder. 2 Thessalonians 2:15 - So then, brothers, stand firm and hold to the traditions that you were taught by us, either by our spoken word or by our letter .  John 15:13 - 13 Greater a love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his b life for his c